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Image Finder Browser

Utilities Photo & Video
2.99 USD

Image Finder Browser is a great way to find images on your computer. Easily set directories to focus on and quickly explore images under folders or even under sub-folders. Image Finder Browser includes a fast filter function, so you can find what you need as soon as possible.

* Choose directories containing images.
* Editable navigation items
* Small image preview
* Large image preview
* Zoom and pan controls
* Open location function

1. Click + icon to choose an image directory.
2. Enter in a name.
3. Check ‘Include Sub-Folders’ if desired.
4. Click the newly created navigation item. This will load the main view.
5. Click an image along bottom row to view a larger preview.
6. Type in filter text-box to filter images. Delete text or click ‘x’ to clear filter.
7. Use mouse scroll or trackpad gesture to zoom.
8. Click+drag large image preview to pan.
9. Double-click small image to open image file in default application.
10. Right-click small image to open image location using Finder.